all postcodes in MK3 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK3 6AA 28 0 51.991686 -0.759493
MK3 6AB 12 0 51.992129 -0.760587
MK3 6AD 17 0 51.991838 -0.758527
MK3 6AE 4 0 51.992316 -0.758747
MK3 6AF 18 0 51.992713 -0.760557
MK3 6AG 8 0 51.993084 -0.760765
MK3 6AH 27 0 51.993023 -0.759223
MK3 6AJ 18 0 51.994301 -0.757673
MK3 6AL 4 0 51.995743 -0.756278
MK3 6AN 54 0 51.994762 -0.7553
MK3 6AP 9 0 51.994045 -0.755524
MK3 6AQ 42 0 51.994272 -0.758344
MK3 6AR 40 0 51.993921 -0.756562
MK3 6AS 6 0 51.993689 -0.754165
MK3 6AT 8 0 51.992859 -0.754756
MK3 6AW 14 0 51.992118 -0.756947
MK3 6AX 38 0 51.993457 -0.756924
MK3 6AY 15 0 51.992906 -0.756663
MK3 6AZ 12 0 51.992891 -0.757828
MK3 6BB 11 0 51.992029 -0.755347